Over time the Mandalorian "Army" of the Mandalorian Protectors, [AKA the Protectors, (not to be confused with Fenn Rau's
Journeyman Protectors from Star Wars Rebels)] gradually increased in numbers from a small force of 300 elite warriors protecting
Mandalore's capital city of
Sundari, to being a large and powerful army of 5 Million Mandalorian soldiers by 521 ABY (with a large percentage of the army still being from Mandalore, but there were some individuals from every planet in the Mandalorian Sector that was not under control of the Red Empire).
Amount of Soldiers in the Protectors
- 237 ABY - 316 ABY: 300 Warriors
- 316 ABY - 396 ABY: 1,000 Soldiers
- 397 ABY - 501 ABY: 5,000 Soldiers
- 501 ABY - 521 ABY: 1 Million Soldiers
- 521 ABY - Present: 5 Million Soldiers
* The Mandalorian Protectors Training School opened in 316 ABY on
Concordia. This started the official training of the Protectors. Before this, the Mandalorian Protectors were trained exclusively by members of their clan. Therefore, in 521 ABY, besides their numbers dramatically increasing instantly, under the command of new appointed commander of the Protectors, Gwan Ransurk, the Protectors also switched from calling their troopers "warriors," to calling them soldiers. This was because they were now officially trained as an army.*
**There was no official leader of the Protectors from its creation in 237 ABY until Ronler became the commander of the Protectors in 275 ABY. During that time, the officers of the4 Protectors ruled as an oligarchy. They would assign one officer the command of the Proctors for one campaign, and another for the next. They finally ditched this idea in 275 ABY, when Sid Ronler became the first commander of the Protectors.**
Leaders of the Mandalorian Protectors
1. Commander Sid Ronler (249 ABY Mandalore - 325 ABY Mandalore)
- He was a member of Clan Ronler of House Ronler
- He was the commander of the Mandalorian Protectors for 50 years from 275 ABY - 325 ABY
- Ronler was the first commander of the Protectors.
- Ronler died of old age in 325 ABY on his homeworld of Mandalore
2. Commander Oven Backshil (293 ABY Mandalore - 393 ABY
- He was a Captain in the Mandalorian Protectors (the only one at that point) from 314 ABY - 325 ABY.
- He was the Commander of the Mandalorian Protectors for 68 years from 325 ABY - 393 ABY.
- He became the commander of the Protectors immediately after Ronler's death.
- In 393 ABY, after protecting Mandalore from numerous invasions of any scale for almost seven decades, and occasionally being assigned to take care of incidents on other planets, he was assigned to help members of he galaxy's newest species, the Masshota, as well as any other Stobarian citizens protect their planet from falling into the hands of the Flare Empire. The citizens backed by the Republic outnumbered the ones backed by the Empire 22 Million to 5 Million. However, the Masshota that were working for the Flare Empire had built Masshota Class Stealth Star Destroyers which were capable using cloaking devices helping them sneak in undetected, and wipe out vast numbers of Republic forces. These star destroyers were the cause of Backshil's ultimate demise. This battle is known as the 2nd Battle of Stobar.
3. Commander Kun Lunner (322 ABY
Concord Dawn - 396 ABY
- He was a Lieutenant in the Mandalorian Protectors (the only one at that point) from 345 ABY - 357 ABY.
- He was a Captain in the Mandalorian Protectors (the only one at that point) from 357 ABY - 393 ABY.
- Following Backshil's death in 393 ABY, Lunner was promoted to commander of the Mandalorian Protectors. A rank he held from 393 ABY until his death in 396 ABY.
- Lunner was killed during the 3rd Battle of Vanqor (of which only 500 out of the 1,000 current members of the Protectors went to), one of eleven battles fought nearly simultaneously in order to eradicate the Flare Empire and the Criminal Alliance.
4. Commander Ledna Dalgas [died 404 ABY
Raxus (Secundus) (or simply Raxus)]
- Born on Celanon
- Dalgas was the commander of the Mandalorian Protectors from 397 ABY - 401 ABY.
- It took a few months until she was promoted after the death of Kun Lunner because the Protectors were dealing with replenishing their almost completely depleted ranks from the 3rd Battle of Vanqor, as well as expanding their numbers drastically (from 1,000 to 5000).
- In 401 ABY, after fully helping the protectors adjust to their new numbers, she decided to resign from her position as the commander of the Protectors to become a Mandalorian mercenary doing any task that anyone was willing to pay her for.
- In 404 ABY, Dalgas was assigned to go to Raxus, (which joined the Togruta Empire a year earlier), and help free a few insurgencies from Imperial grasp. The planet still had a few remote areas that were Pro-Republic (which is where these insurgents were located), and she was assigned to help the insurgents fight off the Togruta Empire's attacks in these areas before the rest of the planet's population and the leaders of the Togruta Empire realized what was happening. Dalgas' mission started out very well, with her routing out and destroying many Togruta Empire droids, and a few Togruta Empire officers. However, Darth Tagaros, and Darth Tyria eventually showed up immensely overpowering Dalgas and the small group of pro-republic insurgents, wiping them all out.
5. Commander Garnet Curran [382 ABY Fondrila (on the far side of the Mandalorian Sector) - 470 ABY
- He was a military prodigy who was the captain in the Mandalorian Protectors from 397 ABY (at age 15!) - 401 ABY (at age 19)
- He was the commander of the Protectors for 69 years from 401 ABY (age 19)- 470 ABY.
- He was one of the Republic heroes of the Battle of Mandalore (409 ABY). During this battle, the infamous Bounty Hunter Helun Solaris revealed that she had secretly defected to the Togruta Empire.
- In 470 ABY, he was given his last assignment, which was to take out Helun Solaris, and her daughter, fellow Mandalorian bounty hunter Northa Solaris. However, this failed, and he was ultimately killed by the infamous mother - daughter bounty hunter duo.
6. Commander Asache Arp (died 473 ABY
- Born on Kalevala
- He was a captain in the Mandalorian Protectors from 466 ABY - 470 ABY
- He was the commander of the Protectors from 470 ABY - 473 ABY
- During a mission to Krownest, Arp was killed by a band of rogue Mandalorians, as well as some Togrutas from the Togruta Empire's capital planet of Kiros.
7. Commander Bisonin Nahalab (446 ABY
Coruscant - 479 ABY
- He was a sergeant in the Mandalorian Protectors from 464 ABY - 465 ABY
- He was a lieutenant in the Mandalorian Protectors from 465 ABY - 468 ABY
- He was a captain in the Mandalorian Protectors from 468 ABY - 473 ABY
- He was the commander of the Mandalorian Protectors from 473 ABY - 479 ABY
8. Commander Riceca Syklab (died 479 ABY Mandalore)
- She was a captain in the Mandalorian Protectors from 477 ABY - 479 ABY
- Just after Mandalorian Prime Minister Onfap Glunurva and Duchess Deona Hastowe announced Syklab's promotion from captain to commander of the Protectors, a shot from a bounty hunter's sniper rifle penetrated her neck (while she wasn't wearing her helmet) killing her instantaneously.
9. Commander Cheleb Wepirohepund (died 486 ABY
- He was a lieutenant in the Mandalorian Protectors from 472 ABY - 479 ABY
- He was a captain in the Mandalorian Protectors from 479 ABY - 479 ABY (2 months before Syklab's death and his promotion to commander)
- Following the murder of Syklab, Wepirohepund became the commander of the Mandalorian Protectors, He held this rank from 479 ABY - 486 ABY (his death).
10. Commander Atheinh Acrux (died 497 ABY
- Born on Berzite, Acrux was promoted from sergeant straight to captain in 482 ABY
- He was promoted to the rank of colonel in 485 ABY
- He was promoted to the rank of commander in 486 ABY, and held the rank until his death in 497 ABY.
11. Commander Hasonu Acrux (died 505 ABY
- He was born on Berzite, and he was the little brother of Atheinh Acrux.
- He was a captain in the Mandalorian Protectors from 489 ABY - 491 ABY
- He was a colonel in the Mandalorian Protectors from 491 ABY - 497 ABY
- He was the commander of the Mandalorian Protectors from 497 ABY - 505 ABY
- He was the individual who thought of and oversaw the Mandalorian Protectors gargantuan expansion in numbers from the mere 5,000 soldiers that the Protectors had in their ranks since 397 ABY, to the enormous 1 Million man strong army that was proposed in 401 ABY.
12. Commander Mat Odbedwa (died 512 ABY
- His family was on vacation on Zygerria when he was born.
- It appeared that his parents really loved living by horned men and women because they spent the next five years moving to different planets inhabited by horned men and women (Dathomir, Iridonia, and Devaron) before moving back to their homeworld of Gargon 2
- From there, he finally started his true Mandalorian training conducted by his family, and at age sixteen, he enlisted in the Mandalorian Protectors Training School, graduating six years later, taking up the rank of lieutenant in the Protectors.
- By the time of Hasonu Acrux's death in 505 ABY, Odbedwa was a colonel in the Protectors.
- Odbedwa wound up being promoted to commander following Acrux's death, a rank he held until his death in 512 ABY.
- It is interesting to note that Odbedwa was killed on Zygerria, the same planet he was born on when his parents were on vacation.
13. Commander Korskun Rakryst (died 521 ABY
- Rakryst was a captain at the time of Odbedwa's death.
- He was subsequently promoted straight to commander, a rank he held until his death in 521 ABY.
14. Commander/General Gwan Ransurk (495 ABY Gornest - Present)
- She was a member of Clan Ransurk of House Ronler.
- Ransurk joined the Mandalorian Protectors after graduating from the Mandalorian Protectors Training School in 516 ABY, after only being enrolled for just three years. (Most Protectors take a minimum of one, and most often three years longer than Ransurk took to graduate, showing she was an exemplary student.)
- She was lieutenant for just ten days after graduating from the Mandalorian Protectors Training School. At that point, she was promoted straight to major.
- She was a major in the Mandalorian Protectors from 516 ABY - 517 ABY
- She was a colonel in the Mandalorian Protectors from 517 ABY - 521 ABY
- In 521 ABY, Ransurk realized that a million man strong army was not enough to protect Mandalore. Therefore, she proposed the expansion of the army from 1 Million to 5 Million. The Mandalorian and Republic governments both accepted this request. (The Mandalorians had to agree on this first before it was brought to the Republic Senate, since it was a reform of their army, not a Republic army.) At that point, Ransurk oversaw her planned massive expansion that made the army five times its previous size.
- Ransurk was the commander of the Mandalorian Protectors from 521 ABY - 528 ABY. At that point they renamed the rank General.
- She held the rank of general from 528 ABY - Present
- She was the leader of all Mandalorian participants who worked for the Republic during the Battle of Mandalore (527 ABY), and the 1st Battle of Coruscant (528 ABY).
Other Mandalorian Protectors
- Captain Lonthur Morgil (363 ABY Coruscant - 396 ABY Vanqor)
- His grandfather was a Mandalorian, and taught Lonthur the ways of the Mandalorians
- Morgil joined the Mandalorian Protectors Training School in 380 ABY
- He was a lieutenant in the Protectors from 385 ABY to 393 ABY
- He played a crucial role during the 2nd Battle of Stobar (393 ABY).
- In 393 ABY, after protecting Mandalore from numerous invasions of any scale for almost seven decades, and occasionally being assigned to take care of incidents on other planets, he was assigned to help members of he galaxy's newest species, the Masshota, as well as any other Stobarian citizens from allowing their planets to fall to the Flare Empire. The citizens backed by the Republic outnumbered the ones backed by the Empire 22 Million to 5 Million. However, the Masshota that were working for the Flare Empire had built Masshota Class Stealth Star Destroyers, which were capable using cloaking devices helping them sneak in undetected, and wipe out vast numbers of forces. Due to their failure to protect Stobar, Commander Kun Lunner, Morgil and the other surviving Protectors were forced to retreat from Stobar back to Mandalore, firmly handing the planet to the Flare Empire.
- He was a captain in the Protectors from 393 ABY - 396 ABY
- He was the only captain and second highest ranked Mandalorian at the time of his death.
- Helun Solaris (383 ABY Mandalore - 470 ABY Stewjon)
- She joined the Protectors after years of family training in the way of the Mandalorian warriors.
- Solaris was in the Mandalorian Protectors from 403 ABY - early 409 ABY. At this point, she retired from the Protectors, to secretly become a bounty hunter working for the Togruta Empire.
- During this time, she proved to a very successful double agent. She still pretended to be working for the Republic by helping out the Mandalorians and the Republic during many missions, destroying 1,500 droids made by the Togruta Empire, and killing many people who worked for the Togruta Empire. Nevertheless, her early days working as a Togruta Empire bounty hunter also proved to be successful, with her secretly killing 6,000 Republic citizens, of which roughly half were fellow Mandalorians.
- A few months after resigning from the Mandalorian Protectors, she helped the Togruta Empire conduct a surprise invasion of her homeworld of Mandalore.
- During the Battle of Mandalore (409 ABY)
- Solaris destroyed hundreds of droids deployed by the Togruta Empire.
- Secretly she set detonators at various spots of the Mandalorian Protectors Fortress, killing anyone who saw her doing this in the process to buy their silence (but not if they didn't see anything, and just saw her in the building. In this case, she pretended to still be on their side.
- After she detonated parts of the Protectors' Fortress, she aided them in protecting the fortress, taking out dozens of Hawk Droids (the Togruta Empire's droid for sky battles), before the Sith Lord Darth Kirra showed up. At that point, she turned around, and started openly killing her former compatriots, forcing many of them to retreat, while contacting their forces telling the Republic that Solaris was a traitor.
- Meanwhile, Solaris, escaped under the protection of some Hawk Droids, while Darth Kirra Force Teleported from the scene.
- Over the next sixty one years, Helun Solaris really made a name for herself as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, working directly for the Togruta Empire, and occasionally allowing herself to be up for hire by other groups.
- By the time of her death in 470 ABY on Stewjon, she had made a whopping
- Sergeant Giilmo Savars (died 528 ABY, Coruscant)
- He was born on Mandalore
- By the 1st Battle of Coruscant (528 ABY), he was one of the most experienced, and respected sergeants in the Protectors
- He was killed during the Battle of Coruscant
- Leonx Wron
- A male Mandalorian and twin brother of Leonax Wron.
- He and Leonax were named for the extinct creature the Leon, a creature named after and looked just like African Lions.
- Leonx and Leonax were born on Concord Dawn. Despite being members of the Mandalorian Protectors they rarely saw action since they worked as part of the Mandalorian Reserve. This was a group of 500,000 members of the Protectors who usually did their own thing, and were only called upon when needed. After their homeworld was captured, Leonx and Leonax decided to move to Coruscant. They decided they would stay there until the Republic liberated their homeworld from the Red Empire, which they knew would not happen until after the 1st Battle of Coruscant.
- Leonax Wron
- A female Mandalorian and twin sister of Leonx Wron
- She and Leonx were named for the extinct creature the Leon, a creature named after and looked just like African Lions.
- Leonx and Leonax were born on Concord Dawn. Despite being members of the Mandalorian Protectors they rarely saw action since they worked as part of the Mandalorian Reserve. This was a group of 500,000 members of the Protectors who usually did their own thing, and were only called upon when needed. After their homeworld was captured, Leonx and Leonax decided to move to Coruscant. They decided they would stay there until the Republic liberated their homeworld from the Red Empire, which they knew would not happen until after the 1st Battle of Coruscant.
- Captain Oram Kain (died 528 ABY Coruscant)
- He was born on Mandalore at some point between 493 and 498 ABY
- He was killed by the Haedus and Ketsge Solaris during the 1st Battle of Coruscant.
- Major Jordan Wren (492 ABY Krownest - Present)
- Jordan was born in 492 ABY on Krownest
- He was a member of Clan Wren of House Vizsla
- He was a descendant of the legendary Spectre and Rebel Sabine Wren
- He joined the Protectors in 510 ABY without ever going to the Mandalorian Protectors Training School
- He was a sergeant in the Protectors from 510 ABY - 512 ABY
- He was a lieutenant in the Protectors from 512 ABY - 522 ABY
- He was a captain in the Protectors from 522 ABY - 527 ABY
- He was a major in the Protectors from 527 ABY - Present
- Colonel Sheila Wren (494 ABY Krownest - Present)
- Sheila was born in 494 ABY on Krownest, and was the little sister of Jordan Wren
- She was a member of Clan Wren of House Vizsla
- She was a descendant of the legendary Spectre and Rebel Sabine Wren
- She joined the Protectors in 511 ABY after being enrolled in the Mandalorian Protectors Training School for just one year
- She was a sergeant in the Protectors for a few months during 512 ABY. At that point, she was promoted to lieutenant, and held the rank from 512 ABY - 515 ABY.
- She was a captain in the Protectors from 515 ABY - 527 ABY
- She was a colonel in the Protectors from 527 ABY - Present
- Sergeant Dabrea Wren (496 ABY Mandalore - 528 ABY Coruscant)
- Dabrea was born in 496 ABY on Mandalore
- She was the wife of Jordan Wren
- She married into Clan Wren of House Vizsla
- She joined the Protectors in 519 ABY after being enrolled in the Mandalorian Protectors Training School for 5 years
- She was a sergeant in the Protectors from 519 ABY - 528 ABY
- She was killed in 528 ABY, during the 1st Battle of Coruscant
- Lieutenant Jett Wren (493 ABY Mandalore - Present)
- Jett was born in 493 ABY on Mandalore
- He was the husband of Sheila Wren
- He married into Clan Wren of House Vizsla
- He joined the Protectors in 517 ABY after being enrolled in the Mandalorian Protectors Training School for six years
- He was a sergeant in the Protectors from 517 ABY - 524 ABY
- He was a lieutenant in the Protectors from 524 ABY - Present
- Jev Korma
- He was a member of Clan Korma, the family of the legendary identical twins and bounty hunters Lot and Fom Korma.
- Lot (296 ABY Concordia - 405 ABY Phindar) worked for the Galactic Republic, while Fom (296 ABY Concordia - 396 ABY Korriban) worked for the Flare Empire. They were both amongst the best few bounty hunters of their time.
- Sergeant Liniik Kryze (died 528 ABY, Coruscant)
- Lieutenant Daarqu Vizsla